'Minimum Viable' D&D, and a handful of regular updates
My wife (who has been referred to in the past as 'R' here) and I were at my parents' house for a few days over the holidays because of water outages in our apartment due to shitty-ass weather and I was craving D&D but didn't have any polyhedrals or books or anything with me, so I threw together the basics of a very simple version of D&D - like, what I'd call minimum viable D&D, designed for one-shot play pretty exclusively, with sessions being limited to maybe 2-3 hours. It just uses d6s, since that was all we had on hand. I even threw together a basic dungeon generator to mitigate the fact that I was too tired to write an adventure (and didn't have a notebook with me to write it in) and didn't have any modules on hand to run. I ended up not getting the chance to use it then - we had plans to play it the next day and then the water came back that night so we were able to go home and life went back to normal, but I'm fairly proud of what I th...