Session Recap: The Wake House, Pickman's Pit, and the Shining Trapezohedron
The next morning, Thomas seemed to be in his early 30s, holed up in the study, surrounded by books. Asenath went to talk to him, and told him that she fears that if he keeps aging the way he does, he'll be dead before the week is out. Thomas told her that he has the same worry, and that he's been trying to research anything that might help him. Asenath told him that she'd heard rumours of an artifact rumoured to be in the Old Wake Homestead out in the swamp that could possibly help - a shining ten-sided gem that allegedly contained a spirit that could work miracles. Thomas told her that he thought a miracle was all that could help, and Asenath cooked breakfast for her family and friends. Isidor Wake warned Asenath and Co. about the poisonous water in the swamp, begging Asenath to be careful. Asenath promised him she would. After breakfast, Asenath, Faye, and Araxie set out for the Old Wake Homestead. They skirted around the mountain and found their way into the swamp throug...